Winter Garden Flowers, Tantalising Citrus & Winter Dinner


It may be cold outside, but there have still been plenty of wintery delights to enjoy this month.

My garden is in bloom and I’ve been enjoying checking on each plant's progress; watching them triumph and blossom against the chilly odds. Much like the season itself, Winter flowers have always held a special kind of graceful beauty to me and crisp morning walks throughout our garden have offered up a lovely reminder to look for the beauty in small details.

In this newsletter, I’ll feature some of my favourite winter garden flowers with you, share images of the delicious citrusy goodness I’ve been loving, as well as recap on a beautiful winter themed dinner setting.

With love,

Sandra xx


Winter Garden Flowers

Winter gardens, much like the season itself, have always held a special kind of beauty to me. While Summer blooms are a riot of exuberance and carefree colour, there is something calming, and gently resolute about Winter flowers.


Tantalising Citrus

Blood Oranges are quite rare in New Zealand, so I was thrilled at the start of this year, when I heard that NZ citrus growers would be releasing a limited range in August!


Winter Dinner

These Winter nights call for connecting with friends and family, reminding us that even though it’s cold and bleak outside, the home can be a respite of comfort and warmth.


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