Dreaming In Petals at Christmas Time, Beautiful Hellebores & Fragrant Hyacinths


The beauty of spring…

The seasons change once again and we are welcomed back into our gardens to see the miracle of growth.  What was previously baron now wakes, and miraculously offers the vibrancy of green - behold the promise of Spring.

It has been an exciting month with our team abuzz over the release of my fourth book Dreaming In Petals - I can’t wait for its arrival in late October.  More on that in this newsletter.

Planning my next shoots is hard at the moment…there is so much going on flower-wise that I feel I am being pulled in various directions - oh look at that flower… oh that tulip is divine… can we get more of those Hellebores?  

This month it is the beautiful watercolour Hellebores and the divine fragrant spikes of the perfect Hyacinth that came under my scrutiny - some grown in my garden, others purchased… darn, where is my bigger garden!  Thankfully New Zealand flower growers are constantly creating miracles for purchase, and are always waiting to supply us with as much fragrant bliss as we can handle.

Next month we start our Christmas planning, so if you haven’t already done so, be sure to sign up to our newsletter.

Sandra x


In New Zealand, flowers are beginning to bloom and the days have become brighter and warmer. This means that it is time to start thinking about kicking off your Christmas planning…although, if you’re anything like me, you will have been thinking about it for months already! Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year, and I’ve even dedicated an entire chapter in my latest book Dreaming In Petals to the holiday season. This month, I thought I would give you a sneak peak of some of the Christmas content you can find within Dreaming In Petals - I hope it inspires and encourages you.


I think Hellebores are a stunning flower. They are striking on their own but they are also amazing flowers to accessorise. If you are growing them yourself, you will have to work for their beauty - they won’t offer it up under conditions that are less than optimal! I see this as a fair deal…I put in the hard work, and they reward me with their magnificence.


Hyacinths are so effortlessly pretty. Their petals are small and delicate but their impact is enormous. The way the tiny flowers bloom in clusters has such a striking effect that you can’t help but notice them. I adore the vibrant yet soft colours of the Hyacinth petals - these colours look magnificent alongside their striking green stems.


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