A Creative's Desk


Over the years I have been accused of having a messy desk, but I ask myself in return, is it really messy or is it simply creative? My desk is a visual feast for my senses…it needs to be. Generally when getting inspired by something, I let it sit on my desk until my mind sees it so often that the original use has been forgotten, and an array of new ideas are unearthed. 

These unused coloured pencils (all a different colour) seem to soothe my mind. I love to gaze at them during zoom meetings. The key is to coral these items on a tray and hold them in uniform containers...these particular ones are from Waterford. 

My pretty riflepaperco.com folders are always on hand ready for clippings or notes to be added. I simply love www.smythson.com notebooks and always have notebooks nearby so I can easily jot down all kinds of ideas. I prefer not to write everything in one notebook, choosing instead to have one book for every subject matter - work, travel, entertaining, book ideas and shoots, and smaller notebooks for lists. Of course, it wouldn’t be my desk unless there are elements of the season, hence the adorable Christmas decorations…and naturally, my desk smells all the sweeter with my beautiful garden roses. 

Antique silver is a reminder of my father, it does require regular polishing otherwise tarnish sets in, and I can feel my father advising me gently to get out my silver cloth!  Who doesn't love a little bit of sparkle…I for one have never shied-away from it.

Do tell me about your desk stories, I would love to hear! 

 Sandra xx

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