Deliciously Indulgent Easter Treats
Ahh Easter, that magical holiday that gives us a perfect excuse to indulge in the world of chocolate….who wouldn’t love such an occasion! And with the Easter bunny working so hard to deliver these delicious and desirable treats….well, it’d just be rude not to indulge in a little ourselves right!? ;-)
As for me, I’ve been having fun dreaming up creative ways to celebrate and include chocolate in my Easter plans.
Of course, there is the mandatory Easter egg hunt (especially wondrous if you have small children), but this year, I’m also loving the idea of creating delicious displays and delightful treats to invite those passing by to graze and enjoy. The best part of decorating with chocolate is that you needn’t wait until the main day to savour it….
All manner of chocolate has found its way into nooks and corners of our home; small and large eggs, coins, bars and bunnies, all ready to be savoured in the lead up to Easter...and a grand finale serving my signature chocolate mousse on Easter weekend….I think that cute wee bunny would be proud. Xx
Are you planning something indulgent this year?
Wishing you a beautiful Easter ahead!